
OIDC Dotnet SDK for Asgardio

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Asgardio .NET OIDC SDK

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Asgardio .NET OIDC SDK enables you to add OIDC based login, logout to your .NET apps in a simple manner.

Getting started

You can experience the capabilities of Asgardio .NET OIDC SDK by following this small guide which contains main sections as listed below.


  1. Microsoft Windows 8 (Or server equivalent) or greater. 2..NET Framework Standard 4.6.1 or greater. 3. WSO2 Identity Server

Configuring Identity Server

Here we are using WSO2 Identity Server as the OIDC Identity Provider. The sample can be configured with any other preferred Identity Provider as well.

  1. Start the WSO2 IS.

  2. Access WSO2 IS management console from https://localhost:9443/carbon/ and create a service provider. Management Console i. Navigate to the Service Providers tab listed under the Identity section in the management console and click Add.
    ii. Provide a name for the Service Provider (ex:- sample-app) and click Register. Now you will be redirected to the Edit Service Provider page.
    iii. Expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration section and click Configure under the OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration section.
    iv. Provide the following values for the respective fields and click Update while keeping other default settings as it is.

    Callback Url - regexp=(http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/callback/|http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/postlogout/)

    v. Click Update to save.

  3. Once the service provider is saved, you will be redirected to the Service Provider Details page. Here, expand the Inbound Authentication Configuration section and click the OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration section. Copy the values of OAuth Client Key and OAuth Client Secret shown here. OAuth Client Credentials

Configuring the sample

  1. Download the PickupManagerOIDC-v0.1.0.msi.

  2. Double click the PickupManagerOIDC-v0.1.0.msi.

  3. Follow the on-screen guidance until you get to the app configuration window. Sample Setup

  4. Fill out the following fields.

    Client ID - <Enter the copied value of `OAuth Client Key` when creating the Service Provider>
    Client Secret - <Enter the copied value of `OAuth Client Secret` when creating the Service Provider>
    Authorization Endpoint - https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize
    Token Endpoint - https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
    Userinfo Endpoint - https://localhost:9443/oauth2/userinfo
    Logout Endpoint - https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout
    Redirect URI - http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/callback/
    PostLogout Redirect URI - http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/postlogout/
  5. Continue the on-screen guidance and complete the installation.

Running the sample

Once the installation is complete the Pickup Manager - OIDC v0.1.0 application wiil be launched automatically.
You can always re-launch the application by double clicking on the Pickup Manager - OIDC v0.1.0 application available on your Desktop.
pickup manager

How it works

This section explains a detailed walkthrough on how key aspects are handled in the Asgardio .NET OIDC SDK. Througout this section we will refer to the source folder of the sample as <APP_HOME>

The structure of the sample would be as follows:
Sample Structure

Trigger authentication

In the <APP_HOME>/LoginPage.xaml page, we have registered a Click event named LoginButton_Click for the login button to trigger an OIDC authentication:

<Button x:Name ="login" Click="LoginButton_Click"/>

The button click would trigger an authentication request, and redirect the user to the IdP authentication page. Upon successful authentication, the user would be redirected to the application homepage.

Retrieve user attributes

In the <APP_HOME>/LoginPage.xaml.cs file, we have added the following code inside the LoginButton_Click trigger method to get the user subject value and the user attributes referring the SDK API.

private async void LoginButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Redirect the user to IDP authentication page
    await authenticationHelper.Login();

    // Focus to app windows after succeful authentication

    // Retrieve access token and user information
    accessToken = authenticationHelper.AccessToken;
    userInfo = authenticationHelper.UserInfo;

    // Display the home page window
    HomePage home = new HomePage(accessToken, userInfo);

Trigger logout

In the <APP_HOME>/HomePage.xaml file, we have added the following button to trigger a SLO flow:

<Button x:Name="logoutButton" Click="Logout_button_click" />

Clicking on the logout link would trigger the SLO flow.

Integrating OIDC SDK to your existing .NET application

This section will guide you on integrating OIDC into your existing .NET application with the Asgardio Dotnet OIDC SDK. This allows a .NET application (i.e. Service Provider) to connect with an IDP using the OpenID Connect protocol. This guide consist with the following sections.


  1. Microsoft Windows 8 (Or server equivalent) or greater.
  2. .NET Framework Standard 4.6.1 or greater.
  3. Visual Studio 2017 Community or greater.

Installing the SDK

Using Nuget Package Manager

  1. Open the Nuget Package Manger.
  2. Search for Asgardio.OIDC.SDK.
  3. Include it with the suggested required dependencies for the project/solution.

Alternatively, you can also run the following command in the Package Manager CLI as shown below.

Install-Package Asgardio.OIDC.SDK -Version 0.1.0

Using the library DLL

  1. Download Asgardio.OIDC.SDK.dll.
  2. Add the Asgardio.OIDC.SDK.dll file as a Reference in your Visual Studio project.
  3. Build the project.

Once you have installed the SDK, create a file named App.config as shown below and place it in the application path.

        <add key="ClientId" value="<YOUR_CLIENT_KEY>" />
        <add key="ClientSecret" value="<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET>" />
        <add key="AuthorizationEndpoint" value="https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize" />
        <add key="TokenEndpoint" value="https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token" />
        <add key="UserInfoEndpoint" value="https://localhost:9443/oauth2/userinfo" />
        <add key="LogoutEndpoint" value="https://localhost:9443/oidc/logout" />
        <add key="RedirectURI" value="http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/callback/" />
        <add key="PostLogoutRedirectURI" value="http://localhost:8080/pickup-manager/postlogout/" />
        <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />


Use the following code snippet to authenticate a user.

readonly AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper = new AuthenticationHelper();
await authenticationHelper.Login();
var accessToken = authenticationHelper.AccessToken;


Use the following code snippet to log out an already logged in user.

await authenticationHelper.Logout(accessToken);
var request = authenticationHelper.Request;

Get User Info

Use the following code snippet to access the user information.

readonly AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper = new AuthenticationHelper();
await authenticationHelper.Login();
var userInfo = authenticationHelper.UserInfo;
dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(userInfo);
var subject = json.sub;

Building from the source


  1. Microsoft Windows 8 (Or server equivalent) or greater.
  2. .NET Framework Standard 4.6.1 or greater.
  3. Visual Studio 2017 Community or greater.
  4. WiX Toolset V3.x - Required only if you are building the full solution in Release configuration.

To build the project from the source, follow the instructions given below.

  1. Clone the repository using the following command. git clone https://github.com/asgardio/asgardio-dotnet-oidc-sdk.git
  2. Open the solution using Visual Studio.
  3. Build the solution in Debug configuration.


Please read Contributing to the Code Base for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Reporting issues

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests creating git Issues.

Important: And please be advised that security issues must be reported to security@wso2.com, not as GitHub issues, in order to reach the proper audience. We strongly advise following the WSO2 Security Vulnerability Reporting Guidelines when reporting the security issues.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.