

Welcome to my repo for my Daily Game Plan. This is a web-based daily activity manager that helps to save tasks into hour-long blocks representing the traditional work hours.


  • Click into the text field for any hour to write in your task. Click the Save button to save.
  • To add, remove or edit, click into the field again. Remember to save your tasks each time.
  • The time-blocks are color coded to the current time: Red for current hour, Grey for past hours, and Green for future hours. Use this to your advantage when quickly glancing over your day.
  • Refreshing the button will not erase your tasks (as long as you remembered to save!).
  • Use the Clear button to completely clear your day (be careful, you cannot retrieve your tasks after clearing).


planner preview

Deployed Link


Special Mention

Thanks to the developers of Moment.js for creating code that helped me tremendously with linking my planner to time-based functions.


Thanks again for visiting my Daily Game Plan repository. This required knowledge of Javascript, Jquery, Bootstrap as well as local storage and time-related queries using a third party library, which in this case was Moment.js.Cheers!