
a lab for working with relationships and inheritance between object

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ApartmentRental App

Working with Relationships and Inheritance


In this application we have three main types of things we are dealing with.

  • Person
  • Property
  • Unit


With Person we have two main subtypes:

  • Manager
  • Tenant

Both Manager and Tenant should inherit methods from Person, and implement any extra behavior they need to play their role in the App.

  • Manager has many properties
  • Tenant has a many references that are just Person instances with contact info.


With Property we have three property types Duplex, TownHouse, and ApartmentBuilding. A generic Property should always have a Manager before tenants can move in. All Tenants should have two references before moving in.


The following should have the everything a Property has and also.

  • Duplex has only two Units.
  • TownHouse has only one Unit.
  • ApartmentBuilding has many Units.


There is only one type of Unit.

  • A Unit belongs to one Property and has one Tenant.

Getting Started

Playing In Console

Locus is fine, but let's try to avoid it in this application.

  • Open the node REPL and require('./src/main.js')
$ node
> var app = require('./src/main.js')
  • Play with a Person object.
> var Person = app.Person;
> var john = new Person("john doe", "123-4567");
> john.contact


Play with Other Modules

You can do the same thing to play with app.Property, app.Manager, app.Tenant, app.ApartmentBuilding, et cetera.


  • Next start implementing inheritance for a manager

You could do the following:

var person = require("./person");

function Manager(name, contact) {
  this.name = name;
  this.contact = contact;
  this.properties = [];

// Inheriting
Manager.prototype = new Person();
Manager.prototype.constructor = Manager;

But the following makes use of a cool call method you can use with functions that avoids a bunch extra work.

var person = require("./person");

function Manager(name, contact) {

  // Note here the use of "call"
  //  which will run the method 
  //  with a context.
  Person.call(this, name, contact);
  this.properties = [];

// Inheriting
Manager.prototype = new Person();
Manager.prototype.constructor = Manager;

  • Note you might want to think about writing an inherits function as follows:


// write the following
var inherits = function(Child, Parent) {
  Child.prototype = new Parent();
  Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

module.exports = inherits;

you can then require the inherits module in each file that require inheritance.

Writing Tests

We will use this as part of review opportunity for testing, so try to write as some tests for this project.

There are some test stubs for test/people/, test/property_types/, and test/unit.js. To run these tests run the following in terminal.

  • mocha test/ to run the files in the test/folder, i.e. unit_test.js
  • mocha test/people/ to test the people subfolder
  • mocha test/property_types/ to test the property_types subfolder