For this lab, we'd like you to complete a few challenges to reinforce your knowledge of integers, strings, arrays and booleans as well as iterators.
Create a simple temperature convertor. It should function like the example below:
Type '1' to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit OR type '2' to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Enter Celsius Temperature:
24 degrees Celsius is equal to 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit
Create a simple calculator that first asks the user what method they would like to use (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and then asks the user for two numbers, returning the result of the method with the two numbers. Here is a sample prompt:
What calculation would you like to do? (add, sub, mult, div)
What is number 1?
What is number 2?
Your result is 9
Reverse a string in place. In other words, do not create a new string or use other methods on the string such as reverse. The goal of the problem is to use a loop and the string accessors to figure out which values to swap for other values. Below is the output.
Enter a string:
Create a prompt that asks the user if they would like to display their balance, withdraw or deposit. Write three methods to perform these calculations and output the result to the user. Here is a sample output:
Your current balance is
What would you like to do? (deposit, withdraw, check_balance)
How much would you like to deposit?
Your current balance is 5000
Are you done?
Thank you!
Create a program that asks the user to guess a number between 1 and 100. Once the user guesses a number, the program should say, higher, lower, or tell the user that he got the number correct. The user should continue to make guesses until he guesses correctly. Also, once the user guesses correctly, the program should print the number of guesses needed to arrive at the correct answer. Below is sample output:
Guess a number between 1 and 100
The number is lower than 50. Guess again
The number is lower than 25. Guess again
The number is higher than 13. Guess again
The number is lower than 20. Guess again
The number is higher than 17. Guess again
The number is higher than 18. Guess again
You got it in 7 tries
Create an array of students and allow the user to keep adding new students to the array. After each student is added, display the array to the user (use the inspect method to display the array). If the user deciders to not add an additional student, display the list of the students and the index that each student is at (check out .each_with_index) Here is a sample prompt:
Would you like to add another student?
What is the student's name?
The array of instructors now looks like: ["Taco"]
Would you like to add another student?
Here is a summary of your student array:
The student at index 0 is Taco