
Learning Objectives

  • HTML & CSS


  • HTML & CSS


index.html and styles.css files that try to recreate the eCardly mockup as best as you can. The images you'll need are in the images directory inside this eCardly folder.



  • The <body> should have a background of the background.jpg provided for you in the images folder. The image should repeat only going left and right. The rest of the page should have a background of #d6d6d6.

    • Hint: define the background image repeating in only one direction AND the background color on the same line.
  • The <body> has a default font of Helvetica with font size of 12px.

  • Define a line height for the body of 1.7. This gives every line of text .35 padding above and below it.

Links (<a> tags)

  • Links on the page should be red (#ff3300) and not be underlined.

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