E-commerce is booming and you are tasked to design the database for a new online shop LAZAGA. LAZAGA sells everything from high-fashion to daily necessities. Whatever you can think of, LAZAGA sells it!

Here's what you need to do:

Users should be able to login, view the catalog, add items to cart and checkout.

You will likely need to change your tables as you expand and add more features. You will need more than 4 tables, excluding users, as a start


Allow user to add items to cart

Show the user their total amount at checkout

Show the user their previous orders

Rank the items by their popularity


Shipping. After user checks out, how will data regarding shipping be handled?


How will a request for refund be handled?


Variants of an item. For example, iPhone 11 is available in 6 colors: Purple, Yellow, Green, Black, White, Product Red and 3 specs: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max. How will you represent the variants in the ERD?