Do You Even ERD

Now we are going to create a gym.

We want to enable gym members to be recorded when they come to the gym.

They have cards that they will scan when they enter that will verify that they are a member and record that they have checked in for a workout that day. The card has their primary key DB id on it.

  1. Draw the ERD (you can also use tools like or
  2. Create the SQL for tables and columns
  3. Write SQL queries to answer questions

Be able to make these queries in the DB:

  • We want to find out which gym members are not paying their membership fees.

    1. Draw the ERD for members table

    2. Create the SQL for the members table:

      id name has_paid
      1 adam true
      2 ben false
    3. Query your database for members who did not pay their membership fees

      SELECT * FROM members WHERE has_paid = false

  • We want to find out who are the members who come the most often.

    • A member can have many visits, but each visit should be a new entry
    • Use COUNT and ORDER BY in your queries to manipulate the result table
  • We want to find out how many customers sign up for the gym but don't come.

    • Use WHERE, NOT IN and DISTINCT to filter out members who visited the gym
  • We want to find out which gym machines are being used the most.

    • Add a machines table to your ERD
    • A member can use multiple machines and machines can be used by multiple members.
    • You will need to implement a join table


We have added classes to the gym.

A member must sign up before the class starts.

The system will keep track of the scheduling of classes, which will be posted on the website so members can sign up.

We want to check which members are present in the class before it starts.


Add payment to the classes. Each class is $10.

We want to find out, for the top 5 classes, which are the top 5 members going to each of them.

We want to find out the member who attends the most classes overall.


Add employees. A class instructor is one of two kinds of employees.


We want to find out who is the most popular instructor for all the classes they teach.


Add different tiers of membership. Bronze members pay $15 per class. Silver members get a 20% discount. Classes are free for gold members.


The management wants to know if the gold members attend the gym any more often than the other tiers.


Add personal training. A personal trainer can be booked on the website depending on theeir availability. Trainers can be booked in 1 hour slots.

A trainer is a third type of employee. A trainer gets paid twice their hourly rate when they have a client.


The manegement wants a promotion where you get a free week of personal training for your birthday. Add the data to your tables to enable this.