
Primary LanguageC

Experiment for Implementing Eraser

Step 1: Git clone this repository

Use git clone command to pull all the content of this repository to your PC or Laptop, with a certain directory, here we call it {YOUR GIT DIR}.

Step 2: Do decompression experiments

Do vcdiff

Enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/decompression/open-vcdiff/".

Refer to the README included in the directory.

Do zlib

Enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/decompression/zlibdecom/".

Compile the program by

g++ gzip.cpp -o gzip -lz

Then run

./gzip compressed-data

Step 3: Do preprocess experiments

Do eraser

Enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/preprocess/eraser/".

Compile the program by

g++ vc.cpp -o vc -lvcdcom -lvcddec

Then run

./vc data dictionary

Do twins

Enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/preprocess/twins/".

Compile the program by

g++ twins.cpp -o twins -lz

Then run

./twins compressed-data

Step 4: Do matching experiments

Do vcdiff_matching

In your Ubuntu shell command prompt, enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/matching/vcdiff_matching/".

Then run the compile.sh. It will build two files named "bin" and "build".

Enter the directory "bin", select the program you want to run.

For example, run

./eraser-ac data dictionary pattern

you will get the time of eraser-ac. The others are similar with it and will not be repeated.

Do zgrep

Enter the directory "{YOUR GIT DIR}/matching/zgrep/".

Compile the two files separately. Run

make && make install

Then you can get the matching and decompression time of zgrep by run the follwing command respectively.

gzip -cdfq compressed-data > outcome
grep -cbf pattern.txt data.txt