OpenGL ES 2 helper classes for Objective C.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Knock-Knock iOS

Knock-Knock is a collection of convenience classes for OpenGL ES 2 that were originally created for the Nature-of-Code iOS App. Among these classes are:

  • 2D & 3D scene view controllers
  • A Particle System
  • FBO and VBO
  • A Camera
  • Shader and Texture representations
  • An .obj Loader

It's built upon the GLKit framework.

##A Simple Example

@interface MySketchViewController : NOC2DSketchViewController
    NOCShaderProgram *_shader;
    NOCParticle2D *_particle;

@implementation MySketchViewController

- (void)setup
    // Setup the shader
    _shader = [[NOCShaderProgram alloc] initWithName:@"BasicShader"];
    _shader.attributes = @{ @"position" : @(GLKVertexAttribPosition), 
                            @"color" : @(GLKVertexAttribColor) };
    _shader.uniformNames = @[ @"uModelViewProjectionMatrix" ];
    [self addShader:_shader named:@"BasicShader"];

    // Setup the Particle
    _particle = [[NOCParticle2D alloc] initWithSize:GLKVector2Make(0.01, 0.01)

- (void)update
    [super update];
    [_particle applyForce:GLKVector2Make(0.25, -0.1)];
    [_particle step];

- (void)clear
    glClearColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0);

- (void)draw
    [self clear];
    [_shader use];

    // Get the model matrix from the particle
    GLKMatrix4 modelMat = [_particle modelMatrix];
    // Multiply by the projection matrix
    GLKMatrix4 mvProjMat = GLKMatrix4Multiply(_projectionMatrix2D, modelMat);
    // Pass mvp into shader
    [_shader setMatrix4:mvProjMat forUniform:@"uModelViewProjectionMatrix"];
    [_particle render];

- (void)teardown
