
Request for Real Dataset for Eye Tracking Analysis

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello all,

I am Weiyan, a student at Peking University. I came across your repository while searching for eye-tracking datasets to assist in my research on Human-Computer Interaction.

I was wondering if you could provide a real dataset (or point me to a source where I can obtain it) that aligns with the structures and columns provided in the example dataset. Specifically, I am interested in the following columns:

Eye Position Right X [mm]
Eye Position Right Y [mm]
Eye Position Right Z [mm]
Eye Position Left X [mm]
Eye Position Left Y [mm]
Eye Position Left Z [mm]
Type of volunteer/ ASD or TD
Having access to real data would immensely benefit my analysis, as it would allow me to validate my findings and ensure the robustness of my models.

I understand if there are privacy concerns associated with releasing such data. However, even an anonymized version of the dataset that preserves the structural and statistical properties would be of great help.

Thank you for considering my request. I genuinely appreciate the work you've put into this repository, and I hope to contribute back with any insights I might gather from my analysis.

Best regards,

Contact Info: shiweiyan@stu.pku.edu.cn

wdr123 commented