
Example Erlang Cowboy REST API with Open Telemetry with rebar3

Primary LanguageErlang


[%% Kernel/logger
 {kernel, [{logger,[{handler,default,logger_std_h,#{}}]}
        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_exporter, #{protocol => http,
                                                 endpoints => ["http://localhost:4317"],
                                                 headers => [{"x-honeycomb-dataset", "experiments"}]}}}}]}]}

Running Project with rebar3

  1. Application will running on Port :8083
  2. run Nginx at port :4317 to mock OTLP Collector
  3. When Visit GET / Endpoint should sent Opentelemetry to Configured Endpoint
  4. [Alternative Debugging] run docker-compose up then you should have real OTLP collector running at port gRPC:4317 too (I had already tried but it didn't work)

Expected Bahavior

Erlang Application should sent Traces with :POST method to Nginx but currently it didn't work for both GRPC and HTTP

Running Local Project

This command will give you successful connect with Open Telemetry

rebar3 shell

docker run -p 4317:80 docker.io/nginx