
Adhearsion app for automated SIPp load tests via CI

Primary LanguageRuby


This application runs SIPp loadtests through a rake task, and is suitable for load testing through CI.

Getting Started

Due to bugs in a dependency PacketFu, this application currently requires Ruby 1.9.3 (NOT 2.0.0).

The following steps will run a SIPp load test of Adhearsion:

  1. Get Asterisk
  2. Configure Asterisk to accept calls from sipp@localhost
  3. Configure Asterisk for use with Adhearsion
  4. Clone this repository
  5. Place any necessary configuration in config/adhearsion.rb
  6. bundle exec rake sipp_test:compile
  7. bundle exec rake sipp_test:run

Then wait for your results. Unless any controllers and/or SippyCup scenario files have been changed, only step 7 needs to be repeated for any future testing.

Changing controllers and scenarios

Controllers for concurrent and cps scenarios are Adhearsion CallControllers, and may be changed as such.

The scenarios (Ruby scripts in the scenarios/ directory) use the SippyCup library. These scripts may be changed to reflect any changes made to the controllers. Once changes have been made, run bundle exec rake sipp_test:compile to generate the necessary XML and PCAP files.

Configuration Options

The sipp_test Adhearsion plugin adds some new configuration options that help define the nature of each test. The configuration options supplied are:


The IP address from which to send calls (binds to an interface, default "") [AHN_SIPP_TEST_FROM_IP]
The IP address to which to send calls (default "") [AHN_SIPP_TEST_TO_IP]


Length in seconds of calls for the Concurrent scenario [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_CALL_LENGTH]
Maximum number of calls for the Concurrent scenario [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_MAX_CALLS]
Maximum concurrency for the Concurrent scenario [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_MAX_CONCURRENT]
Number of failed calls before exit [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_MAX_FAILURES]
Ramp-up rate for the Concurrent scenario [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_RATE]
Path from Adhearsion root to SippyCup template [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CONCURRENT_SCENARIO_LOCATION]


Number of calls per second (cps) [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CPS_CALLS_PER_SECOND]
Maximum number of calls for the CPS scenario [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CPS_MAX_CALLS]
Number of failed calls before exit [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CPS_MAX_FAILURES]
Path from Adhearsion root to SippyCup template [AHN_SIPP_TEST_CPS_SCENARIO_LOCATION]

These configuration options may be specified either via config/adhearsion.rb or via environment variables. The defaults for these variables may be seen by running bundle exec rake config:show. All available rake tasks can be seen by running bundle exec rake -T