
Project 3 for the Udacity Full Stack Nonodegree

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Item Catalog


Completed as part of Project 3 for the Udacity Full Stack Nonodegree.


  1. Vagrant
  2. VirtualBox or VMware Fusion/Workstation


Getting Up and Running

  1. Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/wduncanfraser/item_catalog.git.
  2. Run vagrant up and then vagrant ssh to provision and log into the vm.
  3. Once logged into the VM, you should already be in the project directory. If not, navigate to the project files with cd /home/vagrant/item_catalog.
  4. Run python setup.py to initialize the database.
  5. (Optional) Run python test_data.py to populate the database with some test data to get you started.
  6. Run python run.py to run the Flask application for the item catalog.
  7. Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000.


There are multiple JSON endpoints and an atom feed implemented for the Item Catalog application.

  • Atom Feed: http://localhost:5000/atom
  • JSON endpoints
    • http://localhost:5000/category/JSON: List of all Categories.
    • http://localhost:5000/category/<category_id>/JSON: Category details and list of all Items in the specified category.
    • http://localhost:5000/category/<category_id>/item/<item_id>/JSON or http://localhost:5000/item/<item_id>/JSON: Item details for the specified item_id. If category_id is specified, it must match the item category or it will result in a 404.


  • item_catalog/: Item Catalog Flask application directory.
    • static/: Directory containing all static files.
    • templates/: Directory containing all Jinja2 templates.
    • init.py: Application definition and initialization.
    • forms.py: WTForms declarations.
    • helpers.py: Library of helper functions used throughout application.
    • models.py: SQLAlchemy ORM model declarations.
    • views.py: All views/routes used throughout the application.
  • instance/: Instance specific files and configuration. Excluded from repository.
    • config.py: Instance specific configuration. Overrides values in root config.py.
    • item_catalog.db: Default location of sqlite database.
    • images/: Default directory containing images uploaded within the Item Catalog application.
  • config.py: Flask configuration.
  • requirements.txt: Python package requirements, installed during provisioning.
  • run.py: Python file to start development server.
  • setup.py: Python file to setup fresh application/database.
  • test_data.py: Python file to setup test data for the application/database.
  • Vagrantfile: Vagrant VM configuration.
  • provision.sh: Provisioning script for the Vagrant VM. Installs the desired packages and configures the flask application.

External Resources


Author: W. Duncan Fraser

License: MIT License