Modular Gulp tasks using requireDir(), Gulp config with JS-YAML, minified/uglified assets on --production flag using Yargs.
Development of the new KCC Newsroom site based off of design-mockups
- RVM ( using ruby version 2.5.0
$ rvm use default ruby-2.5.0
- Jekyll -
$ gem install jekyll
- Bundler -
$ gem install bundler
- NVM ( Using Node v8.9.4 (to avoid compatibility issues):
$ nvm install 8.9.4
$ nvm alias default 8.9.4
- Update Node install's Version of NPM to 6.1.0
$ npm install -g npm@6.1.0
- Gulp -
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ git clone <>
$ cd mewsroom
$ sh
$ gulp
Master Branch - is used by CloudCannon to build a staging server Publish Branch - All changes to the Publish branch go live. It is updated via a merge in CloudCannon.
To push a dev update to both branches (make sure both branches are up to date with any CloudCannon changes in Github first):
- Develop on local Master Branch, make commits, and push to origin master.
- checkout Publish branch, merge Master Branch (
$ git merge master
), push to publish
Production build minifies CSS and JavaScript and compresses image files.
A gulp production build should be run before committing and pushing any CSS, JS, or new images to the Github repository.
Trying to push non-minified CSS and JS may result in merge conflicts. If you have a merge conflict, especially on main.css or all.min.js, try running $ gulp --production
before trying to push again
$ gulp --production
See the comments within gulpfile.js and gulpconfig.yml for detailed explanation of what happens on running $ gulp
or $ gulp --production