- Framework: Next.js
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Content: Notion API
- Database: Supabase
- Open Graph Images: Cloudinary
- Newsletter: Revue
- Deployment: Vercel
- Various components used throughout the site.layouts/*
- The different layout options available to use on each page.lib/*
- Short for "library", a collection of helpful utilities or code for external services.pages/api/*
- API routes powering article reactions, article views,/stats
, newsletter subscription, and to generate a sitemap.pages/blog/*
- Static pre-rendered blog pages that fetch information from the Notion API.pages/stats
- Site statistics about my website.pages/*
- All other static pages.public/*
- Static assets including robots.txtstyles/*
- A handful of global styles, and reusable classes utilzing @apply with Tailwind.data/*
- a simple object containing global data about the site.
$ git clone https://github.com/braydoncoyer/braydoncoyer.dev.git
$ cd braydoncoyer.dev
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Create a .env
file similar to .env.example
and include the appropriate keys.
Duplicate the following Notion database, grab the database ID and add it to the environment variables in the .env
跳过jutpter的环境变量? ①创建镜像: docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t myblog . ②启动容器: docker run -itd -p 9526:9526 --name myblog myblog
export PORT=9526 nohup npm run start > runbuild0316.log 2>&1 &
a1234@Olas-MacBook-Pro braydoncoyer.dev-3 % export npm_config_sharp_binary_host="https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/sharp"
export npm_config_sharp_libvips_binary_host="https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/sharp-libvips"
npm install sharp