
LNURL-pay ESP32 version of LNtrigger

Primary LanguageC++

LNURL Trigger, bitcoin lightning powered relay ⚡

LNURL-pay PoS unit for retrofitting any device to accept bitcoin over lightning network


Install Arduino IDE:


Install ESP32 boards:


Install libraries:

  • WiFimanager
  • ArduinoJson

Upload code!


GPIO 04 is set to monitor capacitance, and if pressed on startup triggers portal access point
Connect to the WiFi captive portal SSID: "⚡lnurltrigger⚡" PASS: "password1"
Enter your LNBits details, and the pin you wish to set HIGH (default 16)
LNURLtrigger makes an LNURL-pay in lnbits, which can be printed
Connect whatever you want turned on (relay,led,etc) to the HIGH pin and GND
