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👆 Not functional yet, will be enabled soon.

What is MY₿ONK?

What is commonly referred to as "bitcoin full node distribution" or simply "full node" is a set of software more or less related to bitcoin put together in such a way that it makes the experience of installing it and operating it as smooth and secure as possible.

Most full node distributions are great to experiment and learn.

We want to inject a fresh approach and perspective into the mix with our cumulative experience. We focus on security-first, stripped bitcoin-only stack referred to as the "MY₿ONK stack", or simply MY₿ONK.

MY₿ONK is alpha software. Use cautiously, with small amounts, preferably on SIGNET (rather than MAINNET) for now.

Like most bitcoin full node distributions MY₿ONK can run on a variety of hardware or virtual machines, but it would be impossible to keep up with all the various more or less suitable hardware one can find on the market. MY₿ONK community is essentially using MY₿ONK console, feel free to run the code on any other hardware or virtual machine but we cannot provide any support in that case as our objective is precisely to abstract the recurring hardware issues observed on other platforms.

👉 MY₿ONK installation instructions maintained HERE (/docs/

🫵 Jump in, clone the repo and join our Telegram group 💪

Not ready to take the plunge?

Why not start by having a look at the baby rabbit holes 🕳 🐇 so you will be ready when the time will come.

Don't forget to start ⭐️ this project to stumble upon it again soon.

Stargazers over time