
Darkspy Loader Remade, This Is Not A Cracked Verison Or The New Darkspy Loader Design!

Primary LanguageC#

Important Notices And Announcements

  • No More Additions Will Be Added To This Project

  • Note This Was The Old Darkspy Loader Remade From This Was My 2nd Ever Project In C# So The Code Might Be Messy

  • Will Not Be Planning On Remaking The New Darkspy Loader

Last Changelog 7/2/2021

  • Added Loading Screen And Done Screen

  • Removed Some Code That Wasn't Needed

  • Added An Information Form

  • Added A Form That You Can Change Into Whatever

  • Removed More Code

  • Added Comments/Guides In The .sln/csproj So You Know What To Do, They Are The Green Words With // Behind Them


Login Form Screenshot (42)

Loading Form Screenshot (46)

Loading Complete Form Screenshot (47)

Main Form Screenshot (48)

Information Form Screenshot (49)

Empty Form Screenshot (50)

Injection Form Screenshot (45)