Use wealthbot.io to easily setup your own wealth management platform ⛺
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OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "bin/console": stat bin/console: no such file or directory: unknown
#145 opened by openVietAnh - 2
Installation stuck on AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance
#144 opened by openVietAnh - 1
- 3
Portfolio Unable to Find Template
#124 opened by hakimomar - 1
Error when trying to view portfolio
#42 opened by dunnston - 1
User Management Edit Button
#52 opened by dlojac - 2
RIA custom url (not working | dont know how)
#122 opened by jeraldfeller - 2
Symfony Authentication Error
#125 opened by hakimomar - 3
status of the project?
#126 opened by rogerlz - 4
- 4
- 0
Proposal Test Returns: "Impossible to access an attribute ("appointedBillingSpec")"
#47 opened by gkobilansky - 1
Custodians - download file error
#90 opened by JohnnyLe - 17
AWS AMI quick deployment
#91 opened by JohnnyLe - 7
Logged into admin panel, now what?
#104 opened by webierweb - 6
Demo site is unavailable
#121 opened by jzebedee - 1
Client Tab on RIA dashboard missing data
#70 opened by gkobilansky - 2
System Upgrade to 4.4
#115 opened by azatyan - 4
Group Management Submit Button
#53 opened by dlojac - 4
Register as client
#43 opened by dunnston - 12
Demo installation with Docker doesn't work
#120 opened by Thailer86 - 4
#110 opened by rmcwilliams2004 - 2
Get stuck at "Application Screen" stage
#112 opened by eefelix - 10
Super admin login issue
#51 opened by akhilrs - 4
Radio buttons are rendering as check boxes
#111 opened by lahiiru - 13
Hey Guys I've been having a hell of a lot of trouble with the installation
#103 opened by karthik-rameshkumar - 1
- 24
Activesupport installation error
#101 opened by kjethwani - 1
Wealthbot-io installation not completing
#107 opened by ankurkansalRobo - 10
Run production error
#73 opened by JohnnyLe - 1
Demo site "Fetal error"
#105 opened by ittikorns - 2
activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.2.2. while run ' vagrant provision'
#102 opened by ldh2068vip - 1
UI Improvements/bugs
#100 opened by azatyan - 3
AMI does not work
#99 opened by venkatsethu - 0
register ria in demo
#95 opened by strongman1995 - 3
Fatal error on production.
#94 opened by idenkov - 3
Upgrade source code
#89 opened by JohnnyLe - 1
[Insight] Exceptions should not be enabled in production - in web/app.php, line 8
#75 opened by vlad-ko - 1
Install on linux server
#50 opened by akhilrs - 7
Errors with NFS mounting
#46 opened by ch0wdan - 0
Bill Approval Flow
#40 opened by gkobilansky - 1
State data
#35 opened by kevinmickey - 1
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Demo site is broken
#31 opened by needcaffeine - 1
Vagrant - php fpm listen directive issue
#28 opened by gkobilansky - 1
Disable default vhosts
#29 opened by gkobilansky - 3
sudo apt-get php5-mongo
#30 opened by mrraghur - 0
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Error when trying to view individual accounts in Client View > Asset Allocation
#25 opened by gkobilansky - 0