
Testing HTML website rendering in an electron web browser.

Primary LanguageCSS


Testing loading an HTML website in an electron web browser.



  1. Windows 10 OS
  2. NodeJS v14.18.3

Core Libraries and Frameworks

The following libraries and frameworks are automatically downloaded and installed during installation.

  1. electron v18.2.0
  2. electron-builder v23.0.3


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone https://github.com/weaponsforge/electroweb.git

  2. Install dependencies.
    npm install

Available Scripts

npm start

Run the electron app.

npm run dev

Load the website for localhost development with hot reload (using webpack 5).

npm run build

Pack the raw HTML website source for production distribution using webpack inside the /build directory.

npm run dist

Package the electron app into an executable (.exe) file for Windows OS inside the /dist directory.

npm run lint

Lint the JavaScript files.

npm run lint:fix

Fix lint errors.
