
Basic app to test dynamic rendering using prerender.io.

Primary LanguageHTML


Basic app to test dynamic rendering using prerender.io's self-hosted prerender service.


The following items are optional but not required.

  1. NodeJS
    • node version 10.16.3
    • npm version 6.9.0
  2. Windows OS 64-bit
  3. (Optional) Custom prerender.io service running on localhost
    • this is required if you are to run the app on localhost
    • accessible on localhost development:
    • accessible on live production:
      https://prerenderservice.herokuapp.com (or your own hosted prerender service url)


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone https://github.com/weaponsforge/prerender-app.git

  2. Install dependencies.
    npm install

  3. Create a .env file from the .env.example file. Update the variables as needed:

    • NODE_ENV:
      • set to development if you are to run the project on localhost AND are using a localhost prerender service (see #4).
      • set to production if you'd like to use a live prerender service. PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL must be set in the .env variable if you are to use this option
    • PRERENDER_SERVICE_URL: url of the live prerender service that you'd like to use.
      • defaults to ttps://prerenderservice.herokuapp.com
      • you can use your own hosted prerender service by following the set-up instructions on this app's accompanying prerender service.
  4. (Optional) Use a prerender service from localhost.

    • Be sure to clone and install the accompanying prerender service on localhost and follow the environment variables instructions setup for using it from #3.
  5. Load the prerender-app project:


[1] - custom prerender service
[2] - trello notes
