
A small Flask extension that makes it easy to use CoffeeScript with your Flask application.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A small Flask extension that makes it easy to use CoffeeScript with your Flask application.


Install with PIP

pip install flask-coffee2js


You can activate it by calling the coffee2js function with your Flask app as a parameter:

from flaskext.coffee2js import coffee2js
coffee2js(app, js_folder='js', coffee_folder='src/coffee')

This will intercept the request to js_folder and compile de file if is necesary using the files from coffee_folder.

When you deploy your app you might not want to accept the overhead of checking the modification time of your .coffee and .js files on each request. A simple way to avoid this is wrapping the coffee2js call in an if statement:

if app.debug:
    from flaskext.coffee2js import coffee2js

If you do this you’ll be responsible for rendering the .coffee files into .js when you deploy in non-debug mode to your production server.