
Gulp; prepared for weareindi/pillar

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gulp; prepared for weareindi/pillar

  • Plug and play Gulp js and sass compiling for the Pillar pattern library framework. (https://github.com/weareindi/pillar)
  • Designed with progressive enhancement in mind.
  • Prepared for 100% lighthouse audits


We're assuming you've already created a new Pillar project.
If not, please visit: https://github.com/weareindi/pillar

Via Terminal (using wget and tar)

Execute the following one liner from your project root to download and extract the Pillar Gulp starter:
wget -qO- https://github.com/weareindi/pillar-gulp/archive/1.0.6.tar.gz | tar -xvz -C . && cp -Rvn pillar-gulp-1.0.6/* ./ && rm -rf pillar-gulp-1.0.6


Download and merge contents of this gulp starter into your Pillar project root. Warning: Don't overwrite the composer.json


  1. Ensure Gulp is installed globally npm install -g gulp
  2. Install package dependencies with npm install
  3. Duplicate the .env.gulp.example file and rename to .gulp.env. Populate the required fields.
  4. Run php pillar server in it's own terminal.
  5. Run gulp in another terminal.

Note: This has been built for Gulp 4. Not worth trying with previous versions.
Note: Individual gulp tasks are defined in the ./_gulp directory