
Generates multiple JSON files from fetching API endpoints (i18n supported) 🛬

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Api fetcher

npm version

Generates multiple JSON files from fetching (WordPress) API endpoints (i18n supported) 🚀


yarn add @wearelucid/api-fetcher


Be aware that this package uses ES6 syntax!

Add a script to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "fetch": "node fetchData.js"

Since node currently does not support es2015 module syntax, we need to install babel-cli and add the script like so:

"scripts": {
  "fetch": "babel-node --presets env -- fetchData.js"
yarn fetch


Full Example (Wordpress)

import fetcher from 'api-fetcher'

const config = {
  savePath: './static/data',
  compressJSON: true, // setting this to false may help debugging :-)
  perPage: 5000, // arbitrary
  itemsPerPage: 10, // set for pagination (default will automatically be 10)
  languages: [
    { lang: 'de', locale: 'de_CH' },
    { lang: 'en', locale: 'en_US' }
  apiUrl: 'https://your-backend/api'


// fetch paginated posts
fetcher.paginate('posts', { posts: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'posts', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost] } },

// fetch bundled data
fetcher.bundle('basic', {
  pages: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'pages', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle], filters: [showOnlyPublished] },
  menus: { method: fetcher.getWPMenus },
  options: { method: fetcher.getWPOptionsPage, slug: 'options' },

  // If you need to get categories and custom taxonomies
  categories: { method: fetcher.getWPCategories },
  formats: { method: fetcher.getWPCustomTaxonomy, taxonomy: 'formats' }
}, config)

* Filter (Note: This filter is an example. It is not needed. Wordpress by default only delivers published posts and pages)
function showOnlyPublished (data) {
  return (data && data.length) ? data.filter(p => p.status === 'publish') : data

* Delete fields we don't need (anymore)
function removeFieldsFromPost (data) {
  return fetcher.applyToOneOrMany(_removeFieldsFromPost, data)

function _removeFieldsFromPost (data) {
  delete data._links
  return data

Generating Multiple Bundles

If you want to generate multiple json bundles you can invoke fetcher.bundle() with different a name like so:

fetcher.bundle('basic', {
  pages: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'pages', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle] },
  posts: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'posts', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle] }
}, config)

Generating Paginated Collections

You can also generated paginated collections like so:

fetcher.paginate('posts', { posts: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'posts', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle] } }, config)
fetcher.paginate('pages', { pages: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'pages', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle] } }, config)

In some cases you might also want to load all items of the once you loaded paginated (for having all the data):

fetcher.bundle('fileName', { posts: { method: fetcher.getWPPostType, postType: 'posts', transforms: [removeFieldsFromPost, decodeTitle] } }, config)

Default items per page will be set to 10. You can provide the variable itemsPerPage inside your config.

itemsPerPage: 10

This will generate a collection of json files (with your specified naming), in this case:
