qpushjet is a desktop client for receiving pushjet messages as fully integrated native desktop notifications.
At present this software is pre-alpha and non-functional. It is in active development. So far this is a proof of concept of parts of the system, but more functionality is rapidly being developed.
qPushjet is intended to eventually be compatible with all major desktop operating systems. However, it is principally developed on GNU/Linux (specifically openSUSE), so testing for other systems may lag behind.
At present, the only build dependency is on the Qt libraries (version >=5.6). Specifically the QtCore, QtWidgets, QtSvg, QtNetwork and QtDBus libraries are currently required. To build the program, the "-dev" or "-devel" development header libraries for all these components are needed.
You will also require the cmake build system generator tool (minimum version 3.2), and a build generator tool. The author's recommendation for this is the Ninja tool, but standard GNU make will be fine also.
to check out and build qpushjet, use the following commands (on linux/OSX, after installing system dependencies):
git clone https://github.com/weatherhead99/qpushjet.git
cd qpushjet
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -GNinja
(you can replace -GNinja
and ninja
appropriately if you decided to use another make tool).
from a command line, you can run qpushjet like so:
qpushjet -s -d
The -s
option starts the program with the settings dialog open. The -d
option starts the program in debug mode, which enables some extra things to play with.