
Particle simulation layer for deck.gl

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Particle simulation layer for deck.gl




import { Deck } from '@deck.gl/core';
import { ParticleLayer } from 'deck.gl-particle';

const deckgl = new Deck({
  layers: [
    new ParticleLayer({
      id: 'particle',
      image: ..., // see deck.gl BitmapLayer image property
      imageUnscale: ..., // [number, number]
      bounds: ..., // [number, number, number, number]
      numParticles: ..., // number
      maxAge: ..., // number
      speedFactor: ..., // number
      color: ..., // [number, number, number]
      width: ..., // number
      opacity: ..., // number

Requires WebGL 2 (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari 15).

This means that the layer doesn't work in a WebGL 1 interleaved context (such as Mapbox). Use overlaid context instead. See deck.gl base maps.


Image contains particle speeds in deck.gl COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT, u component encoded into R channel, v component encoded into G channel. See sample image. The image texture can be generated with the following commands, with u.grib and v.grib files as input:

gdalbuildvrt -separate wind_data.vrt u.grib v.grib v.grib
gdal_translate -ot Byte -scale -128 127 0 255 wind_data.vrt wind_data.png

Pass the generated image texture, the original data bounds and the geographic bounds to ParticleLayer:

  image: 'wind_data.png',
  imageUnscale: [-128, 127],
  bounds: [-180, -90, 180, 90],

Inspired by

Weather map visualization layers as a service

There is a commercial library with particle layer improvements and additional layers available with WeatherLayers.com subscription.