
NYU Libraries Special Collections Discovery Application

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Finding Aids

CircleCI Maintainability Coverage Status

A search interface powered by Blacklight for special collections finding aids. Read the wiki for more information.

Getting Started

Read the GETTING STARTED guide for a fuller walkthrough, or follow the steps below to get started quickly.

You could run the tests on your machine:

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec solr_wrapper &
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake

Or use docker:

# Run tests
docker-compose run test
# Run the dev server
docker-compose up dev

Then you should be able to go to http://localhost:9292.

Developing with test user

Set RAILS_ENV=development in test.env to trigger current_user_dev method defined in ApplicationController.

Developing against live data

Set the following environment variables to their appropriate values: SOLR_URL, FINDINGAIDS_DB_DATABASE, FINDINGAIDS_DB_HOST, FINDINGAIDS_DB_PASSWORD, and FINDINGAIDS_DB_USER

Also ensure that SOLR_URL and DEV_SOLR_URL are unset or commented out (they are set in test.env).


Logging on Docker occurs to stdout for Kubernetes compatibility. Log level defaults to :warn but is configurable via RAILS_LOG_LEVEL.

See it in action!

Development: https://specialcollections.library.nyu.edu/search

Use with WebSolr

In WebSolr set up a new instance for EAD indexing with the Blacklight Demo schema.xml.

See the solr/conf/solrconfig.xml for solr config tweaks.

See the solr/conf/schema.xml for schema tweaks.