
a python lib for log info anylytic working

Primary LanguagePython


LogPapa is a python library, for reducing log analysising and statisticing work.

Quick Start

To statistic a plain(date tail) log, you can create a DateTailLogProcessor object and initialize and use it like this:

from LogPapa.processor import DateTailLogProcessor

log_proc = DateTailLogProcessor(
    result_file = "./WebError-Result/%s.csv" % utils.get_last_day_date_str(), 
    ignore_info_regix = [r"[\w\W]+ \[[\w\W]+\]"],
    file_glob = "./WebErrorLog/WebError*")


The log info is like this(here is only one log line for example):

【2014-01-13 20:52:59,818】 [58] ERROR WebErrorLogger - 对于“Ihou.UserDomain.Controllers.UserDomainController”中方法“System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult ContentCenterOneCover(Int64, System.Nullable`1[System.Int32], System.String, System.Nullable`1[System.Int32], System.String)”的不可以为 null 的类型“System.Int64”的参数“userHashId”,参数字典包含一个 null 项。可选参数必须为引用类型、可以为 null 的类型或声明为可选参数。

The log processor will do these things:

  • read log files(by the glob string parameter: @file_glob)
  • extract all the useful line(by the first parameter: @key_regex)
  • statistic the times of every log type(by the parameter: @stat_regex, default="[\w\W]*")
  • write a statistic result file like this(csv file):
ERROR WebErrorLogger - 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。【】

Contract me

LogPapa is in developing, if you have any suggestion, please contract me:

Email: weatherpop@gmail.com

QQ: 623891205

Thanks a lot~ :)