Mooniform is the porting of the famous jquery plugin uniform (by pixelmatrix) to mootools.
To use it you will simply need to follow the easy instructions below
First of all you need to include the following html tags:
<script src="./Source/mooniform.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="./Source/css/mooniform.default.css" rel="stylesheet">
Then you can simply use it in this way, for example:
new Mooniform($$('input[type="checkbox"]'));
Theming is done with CSS files and images (see inside /images/ folder).
var mooniform_instance = new Mooniform([elements, options]);
- elements: (elements, array) The element(s) to attach the mooniform to
- options: (object, optional) The options object
All the options of the Mooniform (most of all are about css classes):
- selectClass: 'mooniform-selector',
- radioClass: 'mooniform-radio',
- checkboxClass: 'mooniform-checker',
- fileClass: 'mooniform-uploader',
- filenameClass: 'mooniform-filename',
- fileBtnClass: 'mooniform-action',
- fileDefaultText: 'No file selected',
- fileBtnText: 'Choose File',
- checkedClass: 'mooniform-checked',
- focusClass: 'mooniform-focus',
- disabledClass: 'mooniform-disabled',
- buttonClass: 'mooniform-button',
- activeClass: 'mooniform-active',
- hoverClass: 'mooniform-hover',
- useID: true,
- idPrefix: 'mooniform',
- resetSelector: false,
- autoHide: true
- update: To update elements after you changed their status by JS (i.e. reset a form)
- lookup: To style new Elements (i.e. loaded with an ajax call)
var elementsToStyle = $$('select, input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"], input[type="file"]'),
mooniformInstance = new Mooniform(elementsToStyle);
//style new elements (loaded by ajax i.e.)
//if you want to reset a form