Fleeet Demo Instructions

You'll need a least 2 different terminals / panes.

This demo uses k9s, but you can use whichever tool you like to view clusters.

  1. Create a PAT with repo scope and export it to GITHUB_TOKEN.
  2. Edit kind.yaml and set the value of apiServerAddress to your machines ip address (usually the first one from hostname -I)
  3. Edit tilt-settings-tenant.json and set the value of repo_owner to be your username or org.
  4. Edit tilt-settings-mgmt.json and set the value of repo_owner to be your username or org.
  5. (optional) If you are SSH-ed into another machine on your LAN, add --host to your tilt commands in dev-start-tenant.sh and dev-start-mgmt.sh.
  6. Open a terminal window and run the following:
    ./dev-start-tenant.sh 0
  7. Open the Tilt browser window (by pressing space) and wait for everything to go green.
  8. (optional) Open another terminal window and run
    k9s --kubeconfig .tiltbuild/tenant-fleeet-tenant-0.kubeconfig
  9. Open another terminal window and run the following:
  10. Open the Tilt browser window (by pressing space) and wait for everything to go green.
  11. (optional) Open another terminal window and run:
    k9s --kubeconfig mgmt.kubeconfig
  12. Clone down your fleeet-demo repo which has been created in your Github and change into it.
  13. Create the following Kustomization in mgmt/fleet-objects-sync.yaml
    cat <<EOF > mgmt/fleet-objects-sync.yaml
    apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta1
    kind: Kustomization
      name: fleet-objects
      namespace: flux-system
      interval: 1m0s
      path: ./fleet
      prune: true
    kind: GitRepository
    name: flux-system
  14. Create a new podinfo module in a fleet/ directory:
    cat <<EOF > fleet/podinfo-module.yaml
    apiVersion: fleet.squaremo.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: Module
      name: podinfo
      namespace: default
      selector: {}
        url: https://github.com/richardcase/podinfo
          tag: v0.1.0
        path: ./kustomize
  15. Commit and push your changes to your fleeet-demo repo.

What you should see happen:

  • In the management cluster you should see a module and remoteassemblage created
  • In the tenant cluster you should see the following created:
    • assemblage
    • gitrepository
    • kustomization
    • Pods/svc for podinfo