
Cybervyatka eSports tournament web application

Primary LanguageVue



Cybervyatka is a local eSports tournament for Vyatka State University students. To manage all the matches, teams and play off grid I developed that web application. So tournament admins could manage all the matches but players could check the plays schedule, their team information and other useful stuff.

Tech stack

  • Vue 2 as application framework
  • Yandex.Metrica for analytics
  • Material Design components for minimalistic design
  • Firebase Firestore as database, Firebase Hosting as hosting, Firebase Storage as (you won't believe it) static files storage

Project setup

To be honest, I couldn't build that project so far because it's too old but you can try to fix all that issues if you need it. You can use this Configuration Reference. Old build steps:

  1. Install all the dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the app locally
npm run serve
  1. Build release artifacts
npm run build