NestJs blog API with authentication

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Parameters Header ( Bearer) Description
POST api/v1/auth/register email , password (If Admin: role= admin) Register new user
POST api/v1/auth/login email , password Login user
POST api/v1/auth/forgot-password email Forgot password
GET api/v1/auth/profile { token } Get user profile
GET api/v1/blog Get all blog posts
GET api/v1/blog/:id Get blog post by id
POST api/v1/blog/create title, description { token } Create new blog post
PUT api/v1/blog/:id title, description { token } Update blog post
DELETE api/v1/blog/:id { token } Delete blog post
GET api/v1/user { token } Get all users
GET api/v1/user/:id Get user by id with related blogs