Code repo for "WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents"
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Frequent 500 errors with Gitlab environment
#184 opened by tenghaohuang - 2
Unable to install on a macbook
#141 opened by vijay-cohere - 2
Error installation
#160 opened by Hodge931 - 1
Maps environment tarbell
#181 opened by dragon18456 - 1
Fragile map site
#180 opened by Hodge931 - 4
Maps site unable to load
#179 opened by brandontrabucco - 1
Task 447 evaluation seems incorrect
#174 opened by allanraventos - 1
Collecting Human Trajectories Using Playwright
#172 opened by hsiachi - 0
- 0
- 1
Openstreet map docker image
#175 opened by llv22 - 3
The map server provided as http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/ seems to be down
#159 opened by psw0021 - 2
Question about 179 human trajectory
#171 opened by dgjun32 - 0
- 4
Could I do multi-thread evaluation?
#161 opened by Hodge931 - 0
How to setup multiple docker for the same website to conduct parallel inferencing
#170 opened by leoozy - 2
Many invalid links in the shopping_admin env
#169 opened by leoozy - 2
- 1
Environment Issue
#168 opened by HuiyuanYan - 0
Docker Hub Images
#167 opened by ShayekhBinIslam - 0
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Copied AMI to Asia Pacific (Osaka)
#150 opened by xuehongyanL - 4
waiting for get_by_label("Username or email")
#156 opened by dgjun32 - 1
Getting error with playwright
#142 opened by plzdoo - 0
Unable to find items from the dropdown and the search box in the OneStopMarket
#158 opened by Aatman21 - 3
- 0
- 1
fuzzy match gives the wrong answer in eval
#139 opened by cheng-tan - 3
Links on shopping site return 404 errors
#152 opened by brandontrabucco - 1
Unable to access website
#154 opened by MurtyShikhar - 1
location of dockerfile for images
#140 opened by lalo - 7
Connection Refused on AWS hosted sites
#147 opened by peterychang - 3
Using webarena in async environment?
#151 opened by zhudotexe - 0
Can't copy AMI because of the snapshot
#149 opened by wbeuil - 1
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Overuse of exact matches in eval.
#134 opened by afourney - 9
Issue with the reddit website?
#136 opened by gagb - 0
Task 425 reference answer is incorrect
#137 opened by peterychang - 5
Cannot run minimal_example.py. No such file or directory: './.auth/gitlab_state.json'
#143 opened by lyh1028 - 1
Wikipedia website setup
#144 opened by gasse - 1
The map website is not accessible
#138 opened by OldBirdAZ - 2
Typo in task template 19
#133 opened by afourney - 2
Can't access websites on AWS instance
#130 opened by ScottLinnn - 1
Sorting issue for task id 49
#135 opened by afourney - 2
Hosted shopping urls not working
#131 opened by adnan-azmat - 0
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The demonstration webpage cannot be accessed
#129 opened by zhanghanxing2022