
Web Ascender's Rubocop Configuration for Ruby/Rails


Copy the following to .rubocop.yml

  # For a rails project
  - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/web-ascender/ruby-style-guide/master/rails.yml
  # For a non-rails project
  # - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/web-ascender/ruby-style-guide/master/ruby.yml

Other Recommendations

  • Add .rubocop-* to your .gitignore file
  • For legacy projects, run rubocop --auto-gen-config and add .rubocop_todo.yml to the inherit_from list in .rubocop.yml
  • Set up overcommit with a pre-commit-hook for rubocop
  • For projects using rspec, set up rubocop-rspec

VS Code

For VS Code, it is strongly recommended to use the ruby extension.


At a miniumum, I recommend adding the following to your global settings to enable the rubocop linter:

"ruby.lint": {
    "rubocop": true,
    "ruby": true


The ruby extension can also be configured to have rubocop auto-format files whenever you save them. I recommend enabling this on a project by project basis by adding the following to your workspace settings:

"ruby.format": "rubocop",
"[ruby]": {
    "editor.formatOnSaveTimeout": 2000,
    "editor.formatOnSave": true


Ruby intellisense can be enabled by installing the npm ruby-method-locate package. You will need to run npm i -g ruby-method-locate from the command line and then add the following to your global settings:

"ruby.intellisense": "rubyLocate"


Ruby autocompletion can be enabled with the rcodetools gem. You will need to run gem install rcodetools from within the correct version of ruby and add the following to your global settings:

"ruby.codeCompletion": "rcodetools"