
Automating an e-commerce website using selenium and python

Primary LanguagePython


This project is done to learn automation using selenium - python.

Dummy e-commerce website: http://tutorialsninja.com/demo/
Design pattern - Page Object Model (POM)
Reports - HTML-testrunner

The below requirements have been automated -

  1. Open the given e-commerce website
  2. Select a product with quantity more than 1 and add to cart
  3. Select a product and update the delivery date and add to cart
  4. View cart and checkout as a guest
  5. Fill in all the delivery and checkout details
  6. Confirm order and check for the order confirmation message

Folder directory information -

  • drivers - Chromedriver.exe file
  • Reports - HTML-testrunner generated reports
  • Screenshots - Saved test screenshots (png)
  • Pages - Separate python files for every page in the website (POM)
  • Test - Main file consisting of the test script

Referrence - Youtube tutorial by LX-schlee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Bf769mXu0