
Polymer 3 starter built with Vaadin components and Vaadin.Router library, using webpack and modern tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Known Vulnerabilities code style: prettier Lighthouse score: 91/100

Polymer 3 Webpack Starter

This is an example project demonstrating how you can build a frontend part of the JavaScript application using Vaadin components and Vaadin Router library, and leverage the benefits of the modern tools.

Lumo version ↗ | Material version ↗


Install dependencies

npm i

Start the development server

Start webpack-dev-server on localhost

npm run dev

Lint JS

npm run lint:js

Lint CSS

npm run lint:css

Lint JS and CSS

npm run lint


Run production build:

npm run build

Serve the built output on localhost

npm start

Visualize build output

Run production build and start HTTP server to show bundle report:

npm run build:analyze

Material version

Check out material branch for Material version of the starter, and a full diff of changes.

Known limitations