
Performance Analysis for react compoennts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Performance Regression tests for React

View Test Results

Running the tests

  1. Install dependencies using npm install
  2. Start up CouchDB and Chromedriver
  3. Run npm test <version> to test all versions of React and store results in the couchdb server
  4. To view results, look at http://<couchdbServer:5984>/<dbname>/_design/site/index.html
  5. Update UI for site using node node_modules/perfjankie/lib/cli.js --couch-database=react-perf --only-update-site --couch-server=http://localhost:5984 --couch-user=admin_user --couch-pwd=admin_pass

Other notes

  • All other test parameters are located in .\lib\pjRunner.js
  • Individual test apps are present at the location specified in .\lib\reactVersions.js
    • The source for the apps are in a branch of this repo
    • To run the app, the test runner in this branch downloads the branch as a zip from github, does npm install, and runs the server.js
    • Once the tests are finished, the server is killed.