
indexedDB POC

Primary LanguageJavaScript


IndexedDB && Offline application - POC

This POC focuses on indexedDB performance handling big datasets

Browser and cli testing

If you want to run and test the code, you will need Node.js and npm. Also, It will require grunt installed on the test environment.

Download this repository and uncompress to a given directory, lets assume: /var/www/html/csvViewer/

Step 1

Open and edit the file Gruntfile.js. Look for the following lines:

If you want to test on browser, please set runInBackground as false in Gruntfile.js

runInBackground: false

If you want to test on terminal, please set runInBackground as true in Gruntfile.js

runInBackground: true

Step 2

Install grunt (if you don't have it installed):

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Now, on terminal, navigate to the project directory:

$ cd /var/www/html/csvViewer/

Now start npm

$ npm init

Install dependencies:

$ npm install grunt-contrib-qunit --save-dev

$ npm install grunt-http-server

Step 3


Now , if you want to run the test on terminal (please see Step 1), type on terminal:

$ grunt test

Now , if you want to run the test on browser (please see Step 1), type on terminal:

$ grunt livetest

Then open the browser and reach the following address:


Running demo application

Step 1

Open and edit the file Gruntfile.js. Look for the following lines:

If you want to test on browser, please set runInBackground as false in Gruntfile.js

runInBackground: false

Step 2

$ grunt livetest

Then open the browser and reach the following address:
