
A modular, extensible and flexible web3 wallet library for building dApps.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web3 Wallet

CI Deploy

web3 wallet website



Projects that use web3-wallet


Package Version
@react-web3-wallet/core npm version
@react-web3-wallet/react npm version
@react-web3-wallet/metamask npm version
@react-web3-wallet/defiwallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/coinbase-wallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/walletconnect npm version
@react-web3-wallet/trust-wallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/imtoken npm version
@react-web3-wallet/cryptocom-desktop-wallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/brave-wallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/xdefi npm version
@react-web3-wallet/bitget-wallet npm version
@react-web3-wallet/detect-provider npm version


# install pnpm: https://pnpm.io/installation

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start the dev server at: http://localhost:3003/web3-wallet
pnpm dev

# test
pnpm test


cronos-wallet-connections is a boilerplate for Cronos dapp.

The @react-web3-wallet documentation site itself provides an illustration of how to use web3-wallet. You can refer to the site as an example of web3-wallet usage.

Run the site in your local:

# clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:web3-wallet/web3-wallet.git

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start the site in dev mode
pnpm dev

Run the site in your local:

# clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:web3-wallet/web3-wallet.git

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start example-react
pnpm example-react

Package versioning and changelogs

@react-web3-wallet utilizes changeset to manage the versioning and changelogs of its packages.

  1. To update the version of specific packages, run pnpm changeset.
  2. Then, run pnpm changeset version to apply updates of the versioning and changelogs .
  3. Commit the local modifications.
  4. Finally, run pnpm release to publish the updated packages to the npm registry.
