A Little More About Me! 🧟‍♂️

const eren = {
  askMeAbout: ["Blockchain", "Web Developer", "DevOps", "AI Tech", "Adivisor"],
  xp: {
    smartContract: {
      rust: "3 yrs",
      solidity: "5 yrs"
    frontEnd: [
      xp: '8 yrs',
      techs: ["html", "css", "javascript", "typescript", "react", "next.js", "redux", "react hooks", "tailwind", "mui", "styled components", "rechart"]
    backEnd: {
      xp: '7 yrs'.
      techs: {
        "nodejs": ["express", "mongoose", "nestjs"]
        "python": ["django", "flask", "fastapi"]
    db: {
      sql: ["mysql", "postgresql", "sqllite", "supabase"],
      nosql: ["mongodb", "cassandra", "firebase", "hbase"],
    cloud: ["aws", "azure", "gcp"]
  hobbies: {
    'Playing Games',
    'Tech Enthusiast'
    'Being up all Night Chasing that ONE BUG...'
 lastButNotLeast: ["Updating Myself Virtually and in Reality"]

👨‍💻 My Skills Set:


React CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript Illustrator Tailwind CSS Node.js Adobe InDesign Premiere Pro Express.js Figma Arduino Lightroom After Effects Photoshop Blender Adobe XD WordPress Material UI Python


JavaScript MongoDB Node.js Linux Python Express.js Redux MySQL PostgreSQL Azure React


AWS GCP Kubernetes Linux Git Bash MySQL Unity PostgreSQL PowerShell GitLab Arduino Firebase Azure Docker Redis

📊 GitHub Stats

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