
ERC20-CRC20 Bridge

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


2022/08 19 August Update

  • Testing docs
  • Unit Tests
  • Bugfix Metamask Wallet connection
  • Remove unused code
  • Update code base to lastest scaffold-eth
  • License Apache 2.0
  • Contribution Policies

Key Features

White Mode


Dark Mode


🏄‍♂️ Quick Start

Manual setup

Prerequisites: Node plus Yarn and Git

clone/fork Draw-Bridge:

git clone https://github.com/RoleFarming/Draw-Bridge.git

install and start your 👷‍ Hardhat chain:

cd Draw-Bridge
yarn install
yarn chain

🛰 deploy your contract:

cd Draw-Bridge
yarn deploy

configure variables

const Supervisor = "<supervisor> // supervisor casper address for manage transfers
const CHAIN_NAME = "casper-test" // cspr chain name
const contractRFBTC = "<contract_address>" // eth contract address for rfbtc
const NODE_ADDRESS="" // cspr node address
const EVENT_STREAM_ADDRESS="" // cspr event stream
const RFBTC_CONTRACT_HASH = '<contract_address>' // eth contract address for rfbtc

start your 📱 frontend:

cd Draw-Bridge
yarn start

🌍 You need an RPC key for production deployments/Apps, create an Alchemy account and replace the value of ALCHEMY_KEY = xxx in packages/react-app/src/constants.js

📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

Testing algo

1. Connect Metamask
2. Connect Casper Signer
3. Grab ETH Faucet (for testent)
4. Grab CSPR Faucet (for testent) 
5. Enter amount
6. Push Exchane
7. If you are Supervisor:
7.1 enter CSPR privkey for order processing
7.2 Verify tx and push Approve
7.3 Push Cancel if not sure and back ETH manually

Testing step by step


  1. Disable CORS check in Chrome for testing

DrawBridge is server less Web3 dApp and CORS should be configured by cloud housting like Vercel.app To avoid CORS error please install Chrome Extension 'Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin8' and then Toggle On it (or other extension if this not works, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102819/disable-same-origin-policy-in-chrome)


  1. Supervisor

Supervisor is ETH administration account who can approve exchange operation ETH to Casper

  1. User

User is client who want to produce exhange operation

Testing sequence

  1. You are need two browser User and Supervisor

User will request exchange ETH to CSPR and Supervisor can approve or denied operation

  • Supervisor Browser
  • User Browser
  • Testnet CSPR (here is deployed contract). Get faucet with testnet.cspr.live
  • Localhost ETH and Metamask network with ChainId 31337
  1. Supervisor setup

1.1 Open Supervisor browser with Metamask and Casper Wallet

1.2 Login to Metamask

1.3 Select Metamask localhost because you deployed contract locally with yarn chain

1.4 Copy Metamask ETH account address

This address named SUPERVISOR

1.5 Edit constants.js



Set variable SUPERVISOR to your Supervisor Metamask account address

export const SUPERVISOR = "0x3314b13a30747398d4c62FD1cadF152dB68D9bF4";
  1. Contract setup

2.1 Deploy contract locally (if you are not did that already)

yarn deploy

The result of operation should be contract address.

$ yarn deploy
yarn run v1.22.17
$ yarn workspace @scaffold-eth/hardhat deploy
$ hardhat deploy --export-all ../react-app/src/contracts/hardhat_contracts.json
Compiling 2 files with 0.8.4
Compilation finished successfully
deploying "YourContract" (tx: 0x469049e11219fd718cb3520aecdefc2146a23040ebf38afa163d526d183bccf0)...: deployed at 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512 with 1115929 gas
$ hardhat run scripts/publish.js
✅  Published contracts to the subgraph package.
✨  Done in 14.32s.

See deployed at 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512

This should be in YourContract section

        "YourContract": {
          "address": "0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0",

Contract should be connect automaticly for localhost with yarn start.

  1. Run app
yarn start
  1. Open User browser

4.1 Connect Metamask

4.2 Connect Casper Signer

4.3 Enter amount to exchange ETH to RFBTC

4.4 Push Exchange Button

4.5 Apply in Metamask Tx and Order

4.6 Then see your order in order list

  1. In Supervisor you will see Order details

5.1 Apply or Decline order

5.1.1 Apply exchange operation Enter CSPR private key with test amount received by testnet.cspr.live faucet Push apply button. Verify if no CORS errors and your test browser works without an issues Order should be done and Casper coins should send to User

5.1.2 Decline Push Decline button in Metamask to cancel order


Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!

If you'd like to contribute to Draw-Bridge, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.

See common Casper Labs contributor guidlines



The Draw-Bridge is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, also included in our repository in the LICENSE file.