Solidity debugger plugin for IntelliJ IDE

Adds debugging support for Solidity language and integrates Intellij with Web3j EVM.



** This is still work in progress, and the plugin not published yet.

Building from the code


./gradlew buildPlugin


./gradlew runIde


With Idea using gradle task, Tasks -> intellij -> runIde (in debugger mode)

After that, it should open a new Idea app with our debugging plugin. Open your sample project with a solidity contract.

Debugging (in a new window )

  1. Make sure that Solidity plugin is installed.

  2. Configure solidity preferences: Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Solidity

    1. Use Solc to build project - true
    2. Standalone Solc path - "{your path}/bin/solc"
    3. Generate java stubs for contracts during compilation - true
    4. Style: Web3J
  3. Configure Run/Debug Configurations

    1. Add new configuration Evm.
    2. Fill in the following lines: Name(for example "RunHelloWorld"), Contract Wrapper (for example "HelloWorld"), Solidity Contract (for example "HelloWorld").
    3. Fill in the field 'Deploy Methods' - "deploy"
  4. Execute Run task('RunHelloWorld') in the debug mode.

Compatible IDEs

The plugin is compatible with all IntelliJ-based IDEs starting from the version 2020.3

** Requires Intellij Solidity plugin to be installed.

Web3j EVM

For standalone or embedded Ethereum node to run within Java process, head for Web3J EVM repo