The examples haven't been updated in 5 years
accountnujen opened this issue · 1 comments
The examples haven't been updated in 5 years. It's kind of impossible to create accounts anymore. At least in quicknode and infura you can't newAccount.
If I want to see the wallet balance, which query should I run?
Or if I want to send a transaction, what should I write?
$eth->getBalance($from_address, function ($err, $balance) use ($from_address) {
if ($err !== null) {
echo '<br>' . __LINE__ . ' -- Error: ' . $err->getMessage();
echo '<br>' . __LINE__ . ' -- From Address: ' . $from_address . ' Balance: ' . $balance . PHP_EOL;
This will get you a balance according to the ../vendor/web3p/web3.php/examples/sendTransaction.php
Although I can't get the sendTransaction function to work, it does provide me the balances to both send and receive accounts.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is no longer possible to create a newAccount on the Ethereum blockchain. Deprecated? Not sure. I use the following code to create an account:
function create_eth_address(){
$config = [
'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC,
'curve_name' => 'secp256k1'
$res = openssl_pkey_new($config);
if (!$res) {
$error[__LINE__] = 'ERROR: Fail to generate private key. -> ' . openssl_error_string();
// debug($error, "\nFILE: ".__FILE__." -- \nLINE: " . __LINE__. " -- error: ", "");
openssl_pkey_export($res, $priv_key);
$key_detail = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
$pub_key = $key_detail["key"];
$priv_pem = PEM::fromString($priv_key);
$ec_priv_key = ECPrivateKey::fromPEM($priv_pem);
$ec_priv_seq = $ec_priv_key->toASN1();
$priv_key_hex = bin2hex($ec_priv_seq->at(1)->asOctetString()->string());
$priv_key_len = strlen($priv_key_hex) / 2;
$pub_key_hex = bin2hex($ec_priv_seq->at(3)->asTagged()->asExplicit()->asBitString()->string());
$pub_key_len = strlen($pub_key_hex) / 2;
$pub_key_hex_2 = substr($pub_key_hex, 2);
$pub_key_len_2 = strlen($pub_key_hex_2) / 2;
$hash = Keccak::hash(hex2bin($pub_key_hex_2), 256);
$pubkey = '0x' . substr($hash, -40);
$privkey = '0x' . $priv_key_hex;
// Store your new pubkey and privkey here.
You can check your new address on any eth explorer