- 0
Unable to send BEP20 token
#362 opened by ExchangeAssets - 2
Error: Class "Web3\Web3" not found
#361 opened by despicableGruu - 0
Convert ether.js USDT Script to web3.php?
#360 opened by skykingisepic - 1
- 4
phpseclib has CVE-2023-49316
#337 opened by thereisnobugs - 3
hope support phpseclib/phpseclib:~3.0
#352 opened by wqjohnston - 1
- 4
Error "Undefined array key "coders""
#346 opened by bjutkoski - 2
Create Wallet
#313 opened by robinkbr - 1
- 2
$contract->at($erc20TokenAddress)->call('balanceOf', [$accountAddress], function($err, $result) { } function call with params giving error while function call without params is working
#354 opened by wtmit - 0
- 0
- 1
Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Please make sure you have put all function params and callback.
#349 opened by ttmartinks - 0
Issue with constructor->send() function
#351 opened by aerory - 1
recover publicKey from a rawtx
#304 opened by kropple - 0
Please set provider first.
#350 opened by satriawisesa03 - 2
Any documentation with common examples?
#348 opened by JTorresConsulta - 0
Error -> rlp: input string too long for common.Address, decoding into (types.LegacyTx).To
#347 opened by metawalletpsg - 0
Unallowed rpc method: eth_chainId
#340 opened by phpmac - 0
- 1
The examples haven't been updated in 5 years
#338 opened by accountnujen - 1
- 1
How to customize token quantity sending? Number of decimal tokens or number of certificate tokens
#326 opened by qingshuiling - 1
Invalid signature v value
#328 opened by adriftgreat - 0
Contracts/Types/Address.php issue
#334 opened by hyperworld103 - 1
trouble trying to send data
#333 opened by hafizah65 - 1
#330 opened by Razorholt - 1
#327 opened by leruge - 2
- 3
Failed to Transfer Token Between Wallet
#321 opened by idevlinkcom - 0
- 5
Unable to abi->encodeParameters() for string[]
#300 opened by joowon-byun - 1
multicall error
#323 opened by ygcool - 0
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: cURL error 28: Failed to connect to port 8545
#319 opened by idevlinkcom - 1
Failed to call smart contract method.
#320 opened by polym2 - 3
string[] result incorrectly decoded
#311 opened by inmarelibero - 0
weird logic of enabling/disabling batch
#316 opened by DieselPower200 - 0
- 0
i want get chainId
#312 opened by cjango - 1
请问 getData('transferFrom', $params); 里面的$params参数要怎么传入?
#310 opened by hhun - 2
- 0
- 1
token transfer between wallets
#305 opened by amonit - 1
- 2
- 0
If it is a component, how should I getData
#302 opened by darren2025 - 0
issue with returning string[] array - a character automatically will add to index 0
#301 opened by xmrrabbitx - 0
Contract getData function invokes IntegerFormatter on addresses, yields excessive 'f' in padding
#296 opened by kaiesh - 0
Use of is_numeric in Utils for formatting BigInteger's (uint256) leads to incorrect numbers
#295 opened by kaiesh