It's very easy to have conflict when we have multiple services writing data into same Elastic Search server.
To avoid this problem, the service should publish message to a certain instead of writing to ES direclty. So that we can have ES-Writer, a single actor that connect with Elastic Search.
By this convention, the services doesn't need to know credentials of Elastic Search server.
It's also easy to create cluster Elastic Search servers without magic.
To write data to ES server, your service publishes messages to GO1
RabbitMQ with:
- Exchange:
- Key:
- Payload:
- Examples:
- fixtures/indices/indices-create.json
- fixtures/indices/indices-drop.json
- fixtures/portal/portal-index.json
- fixtures/portal/portal-update.json
- fixtures/portal/portal-update-by-query.json
- fixtures/portal/portal-delete.json
- fixtures/portal/portal-delete-by-query.json
- Examples:
-serviceName SERVICE_NAME<STRING=es-writer>
-url RABBITMQ_URL<STRING=amqp://go1:go1@>
-routing-key RABBITMQ_ROUTING_KEY<STRING=es.writer.go1>
-consumer-name RABBITMQ_CONSUMER_NAME<STRING=es-writer>
-queue-name RABBITMQ_QUEUE_NAME<STRING=es-writer>
-url-contains URL_CONTAINS<STRING> # example: `award:`
-url-not-contains URL_NOT_CONTAINS<STRING> # example: `award:`
-refresh true # Optional. allowed values: true, wait_for. default is true
-admin-port ADMIN_PORT<STRING=:8001>
-debug DEBUG<BOOL=true>. Default is false
-single-active-consumer SINGLE_ACTIVE_CONSUMER<BOOL=true>. default is false. @see
-bulk-timeout BULK_TIMEOUT=5m
Limit these kinds of request because they are not bulkable:
- /_update_by_query
- /_delete_by_query
- PUT /index_name
- DELETE /index_name
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 --rm --name es elasticsearch:5-alpine
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --rm --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:3-management
go test -race -v ./...