Here are some logos for WebAuthn.

How to Use These Logos

I'm borrowing these rules from GitHub's logo rules as a starting point. Let me know if they're too restrictive or prevent any reasonable uses of the logo.

Do these awesome things

✅ Use the WebAuthn logo to link to WebAuthn specs or
✅ Use the WebAuthn logo to show that your product or project has built-in WebAuthn integration
✅ Use the WebAuthn logo in a blog post or news article about WebAuthn

Please don't do these things

❌ Use the WebAuthn logo for your application’s icon
❌ Create a modified version of the WebAuthn logo
❌ Integrate the WebAuthn logo into your logo
❌ Use any WebAuthn artwork without permission
❌ Sell any WebAuthn artwork without permission
❌ Change the colors, dimensions or add your own text/images

Please contact me

  • If you want to use artwork not included in this repository
  • If you want to use these images in a video/mainstream media


WebAuthn "Gold": #f18805
WebAuthn Blurple: #3423a6