
SteamVR QR code reader for node.js

Primary LanguageC++


SteamVR QR code reader for node.js.

Note: OpenVR is required for qrvr to work. See the error codes below for more details.

npm install qrvr
const qrvr = require('qrvr');
  s => console.log('started', s),
  errorCode => {
    // Handle error code, as per https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/HmdError


Development instructions

The core qrvr code is in ./openvr/test/main.cpp.

Note you need Python 2.7, VS 2017, and Node v13 to build the package successfullly. You can use something like nvm-windows to manage multiple Node versions.

Once you have all the dependencies, run:

nvm use 13 # e.g. if you use nvm to manage Node versions
npm install --python=python2.7 --msvs_version=2017

in the root.

This will produce the final binary qr.node inside the ./build/Release directory.


qrvr requires OpenVR, which may fail initialisation. If it does, running qrvr.start() will reject with a non-0 exit code from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/HmdError. The most common ones are likely:

  • HmdError_Unknown: 1
  • HmdError_Init_InstallationNotFound: 100
  • HmdError_Init_InstallationCorrupt: 101
  • HmdError_Init_VRClientDLLNotFound: 102

Please check the linked wiki for an exhaustive list and explanations.