
handle form posted upload files in ASP without third-party components

Primary LanguageASP


This script helps Classic ASP scripts handle form posted upload files without the need for third-party components.


  • uses only VBScript and standard scripting components (ADO, Scripting.* objects)
  • permits access to other fields posted with form
  • supports multi-value fields (e.g. checkboxes)
  • files are uploaded into TEMP folder, and deleted after use unless moved
  • simulates SA-FileUp so can be used as a drop-in, e.g. for testing / prototyping


  • ADO 2.5 or greater, due to use of the ADO Stream object
  • ADO constants defined, best done by loading the typelib in globals.asa


  • not intended for use with very large (>10MB) files! use SA-FileUp instead for large uploads
  • NB: can't mix ASPFileCatcher and Response.Form - Response.BinaryRead restriction


Use ASPFileCatcher as a replacement for Request.Form, to get access to all form inputs including attached files. The two are mutually exclusive; you cannot combine access to the form data through Request.Form and ASPFileCatcher, because both need to read the binary data from the form post and there can be only one that does that.

Include ASPFileCatcher into your script either by virtual or file include, like so:

    <!-- #include file="aspfilecatcher.asp" -->

Tell your form post to use MIME multipart form data:

    <form action="index.asp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Use the "file" input type to attach a file to your form post:

    <input type="file" name="File1" size="40" />

Create an ASPFileCatcher object to handle form post:

    Set catcher = new ASPFileCatcher

Process each file posted, either by moving to their new destination or by reading:

    For Each f In catcher.Files
        Set fp = catcher.File(f)
        Response.Write "<p>" & Server.HTMLEncode(f) & ": " & Server.HTMLEncode(fp.FileName) & "</p>" & vbCrLf
        fp.MoveTempToPath Server.MapPath("files/" & fp.FileName)

Access non-file fields in the same way as you would normally from Request.Form, but use ASPFileCatcher instead:

    some_data = catcher.Field("some_data")

See test/index.asp for a fully worked example.