Middleman Starter Templates

A collection of starter templates for Middleman (http://middlemanapp.com).

These currently use Liquid templating engine (https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki) because I like it. They could easily be ported over to ERB by an interested party.

The Templates

H5BP - HTML5 Boilerplate

The HTML5 Boilerplate starter template. I know Middleman comes with this, but I like mine better. Updated to use the 3.0 release on Feb 19, 2012

$ middleman init <name> --template=h5bp


Leveraging the Email Boilerplate project (http://htmlemailboilerplate.com/).

$ middleman init <name> --template=email

Updated to use 0.5 release on Feb 20, 2012.

Todo List:

  • Finalize Layout template
  • Figure out how to roll CSS inlining service into build process


This will leverage Mobile Boilerplate when it's finished