
Django model & fixture representing all top level country data from Geonames.org

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Languages Plus


The Country Model

The model provides the following fields (original geonames.org column name in parentheses).

  • iso (ISO)
  • iso3 (ISO3)
  • iso_numeric (ISO-Numeric)
  • fips (fips)
  • name (Country)
  • capital
  • area (Area(in sq km))
  • population (population)
  • continent (continent)
  • tld (tld)
  • currency_code (CurrencyCode)
  • currency_name (CurrencyName)
  • currency_symbol (Not part of the original table)
  • phone (Phone)
  • postal_code_format (Postal Code Format)
  • postal_code_regex (Postal Code Regex)
  • languages (Languages)
  • geonameid (geonameid)
  • neighbors (neighbours)
  • equivalent_fips_code (EquivalentFipsCode)


Step 1: Install From PyPi

pip install django-countries-plus

Step 2: Add countries_plus to your INSTALLED_APPS

Step 3: Run python manage.py sync (Django <1.7) or python manage.py migrate (Django 1.7+)

Step 4: Load the Countries Data

  1. Load the countries data into your database with the update_countries_plus management command.
    python manage.py update_countries_plus
  2. (alternative) Load the provided fixture from the fixtures directory.
    python manage.py loaddata PATH_TO_COUNTRIES_PLUS/countries_plus/countries_data.json.gz


Retrieve a Country:

from countries_plus.models import Country
usa = Country.objects.get(iso3='USA')

Update the countries data with the latest geonames.org data:

python manage.py update_countries_data

This management command will download the latest geonames.org countries data and convert it into Country objects. Existing Country objects will be updated if necessary. No Country objects will be deleted, even if that country has ceased to exist.

Add the Request Country to each Request

  1. Add countries_plus.middleware.AddRequestCountryMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE setting.

  2. add the following two settings to your settings.py:

    COUNTRIES_PLUS_COUNTRY_HEADER - A string defining the name of the meta header that provides the country code. Ex: 'HTTP_CF_COUNTRY' (from https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168236-What-does-CloudFlare-IP-Geolocation-do-)

    COUNTRIES_PLUS_DEFAULT_ISO - A string containing an iso code for the country you want to use as a fallback in the case of a missing or malformed geoip header. Ex: 'US' or 'DE' or 'BR'



Add the Request Country to the Request Context

  1. Enable the optional middleware as described above
  2. Add countries_plus.context_processors.add_request_country to your template TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting (Django <1.8) or to your 'context_processors' option in the OPTIONS of a DjangoTemplates backend instead (Django 1.8)


Python 2.7+ & 3.6+. Django 1.11 and Django 2.0+ supported, however should still work on Django 1.4-1.10.

Note: if you are using Django 1.7, tests will fail unless you are using Django 1.7.2 or higher due to a bug in earlier versions.

Integrating with django-languages-plus

If you also have django-languages-plus(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-languages-plus) installed then you can run the following command once to associate the two datasets and generate a list of culture codes (pt_BR for example):

from languages_plus.utils import associate_countries_and_languages

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install tox
(myenv) $ tox


Tools used in rendering this package: